Register and get 50,000UGX Joining Bonus



We are an international financial company engaged in investment activities,
which are related to trading on financial markets and cryptocurrency exchanges performed by qualified professional traders.

Our goal is to provide our investors with a reliable source of high income,
while minimizing any possible risks and offering a high-quality service,
allowing us to automate and simplify the relations between the investors and the trustees.

We work towards increasing your profit margin by profitable investment.

We look forward to you being part of our community.

1. You need to get a referral link from a friend and install the app to to create an account.

2. After creating your own account with secure login credentials i.e. username and password ??, Note; no one must access your login details because it may lead to loss of your funds to those people you're sharing with.

3. You need to deposit money which will work for you as capital so that you start to earn daily.

Note the minimum deposit is 10,000UGX and the maximum is 10000000000000000UGX
You're free to keep adding on your capital via deposits or reduce on it too via withdrawing which is ever, reliably instant any time you want it.

4. After depositing capital, It will reflect on your deposit wallet in 0-20 minutes after confirmation approved by the system.

Tax of 5% will be deducted on every withdrawals being made by investors and the withdrawal time starts from 08:00am-08:00pm

5.There you will have to wait for the investment plans.
In different time intervals.

The first investment is package called CASH ROUND will appear in the investment section at exactly 10:00am and it will disappear at exactly 12:00am
Minimum investment in this package will start from 10,000ugx up to 100000000000ugx with return profits of 0.5% of your capital every hour equivalent to 1% total, whenever you invest in that package.

The second package is called LEGENDARY BONUS will appear at exactly 04:00pm up to 06:00pm with return of 2% of your capital every hour then that's 4% total, with minimum investment of 2,000,000ugx and a maximum of 1000000000000ugx.

The last package is called REAL MEN which appears in the investment plan section on the app Monday to Sunday at exactly 08:00pm-10:00pm at night. it's minimum investment is 8 millions UGX and about with a return percentage of 10% ×2 of your capital

Everyone is free to invest in all packages daily as long as you have sufficient funds on your dashboard.

Which means an investor with capital which is below 2,000,000/= is eligible to earn up 1% profits of of their capital every day

And another investor with 2,000,000/= Plus but bellow 8 millions UGX will be able to earn a total of 5% everyday.

An investor above 8 millions can earn 30% profits of their capital

Every member you convince to open an account using your link will earn you 10% on every deposit being made on their accounts


Investment Plan

To make a solid investment, you have to know where you are investing. Find a plan which is best for you.

UGX10000 - UGX1000000000
  • Return 0.5%
  • Every Hour
  • For 2 Hour
  • Total 1% +Capital
Invest now